Compliance Portal

Report an incident

This platform will make it easier for you to report incidents related to Cybolt’s business operations. You can do so anonymously if you wish. You can report issues such as: financial and audit concerns, harassment, theft, substance abuse, bribery, unsafe conditions, amongst other topics.

Click the button below to begin your report. You will be asked to provide details and any existing evidence related to the incident.

Write to us

If you have any technical problems when submitting your report, please write to us.

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Reporting incidents

Thank you for your courage and willingness to report incidents that violate Cybolt's policies and procedures. Reporting injustices you have seen or experienced is essential to ensure continuous improvement at Cybolt.
We ask that you use this site responsibly.
This platform is managed in accordance with our Privacy Notice and the Mexican Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

What types of incidents can you report through this mechanism?

Please use this form if you would like to report a compliance issue linked to Cybolt’s business operations. A compliance concern is any behavior by an employee or third party that may violate the law, our Code of Business Conduct, or related policies regarding human rights, the environment, data protection, etc...

For more information on Cybolt's Code of Conduct, as well as the company policies on ethics, anti-corruption, human rights and environmental protection, visit the section below: Useful Links. Some examples of problems that can be reported through this platform are:

Security, data protection or privacy-related incidents.
Harassment or discrimination.
Environmental or occupational health and safety concerns.
Credible accusations of corruption or bribery.

What will happen with your complaint?

This site is managed by an external entity. The information submitted through this form will be sent to an external consultant who will ensure that the case is anonymized (if necessary) and reviewed fairly. All information submitted with this form is treated confidentially, with respect, and will receive timely follow-up..

The ESG Committee will record your report and conduct an assessment to determine whether it relates to a plausible compliance concern and whether an investigation is warranted. If your report meets the admissibility criteria, it will be recommended for further investigation. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, steps will be taken to hold individuals accountable and improve our processes to prevent future incidents.

While it is possible to submit anonymous reports, we recommend that you provide your contact information, if you feel comfortable doing so, so that we can follow up with clarifying questions and request additional information. We are grateful for your time, energy, and courage in speaking out to create a safer, healthier, and more equitable workplace for everyone. All those who file reports in good faith are protected from retaliation under the human rights policy. Cybolt has zero tolerance for retaliation against individuals who raise compliance concerns in good faith, and employees who cooperate in good faith to support an investigation.

Is there another way to file a complaint?

If you have any questions or concerns about this form, please do not hesitate to contact (which is managed by the external human rights consultancy).

Useful links:
